Products from Arduino
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Arduino Nano RP2040 Connect allows you to build your next smart project. Ever wanted an automated house? Or a smart garden? Well, now it’s easy with the Arduino IoT Cloud compatible boards. It means: you can connect devices, visualize...
₹3,399.00 *
Carbon Fiber SHT20 I2C VCNL4010 AMS5812-0003-D- 4-DOF Metal GNSS L1 L5 LoCoBot WX250 Grove - Optical Basys 3 Artix-7 P type P80II Carbon Fiber Ettus USRP B210 Motor Speed PIC18F2550 OAK-D LR Carbon Dioxide RCA cable WireLess Gate Ettus USRP Crydom CX240D5 Enclosure Kit SST Liquid Disposable ECG AK80-6 With M18 Capacitive Ettus USRP UART Tic T825 USB STEM drone Premium Silicon Bluefruit LE - Fingerprint SiPy Multipack Arty A7-35T Ettus USRP B210 Intel Iot Spacer SPO-1A W Ettus USRP N210 Nvidia Jetson Mini Maestro Enclosure Kit Carbon Fiber NVIDIA Jetson C2000 Delfino Verbal Machines AT89C51 8-Bit