- Order number: MIKROE-3891
- Manufacturer product ID: 3891

Modern, intuitive, and professional
The productive cross-platform integrated developing environment with smart editing support made for the rapid and comfortable development of applications for the embedded world.

Teams of designers and developers can now share the same project across different platforms keeping the same look and feel.
NECTO studio is fully functional on Windows, Mac OS, and Linux. We can proudly say that this is the first MCU vendor-independent IDE on the market for embedded development on Mac OS.

This modern and fast cross-platform IDE offers you quick and cost-effective design, development, and maintenance of software applications for the embedded world.
Support for more than seven different MCU architectures (ARM, PIC, dsPIC, PIC32, AVR, FT900, 8051) in 3 programming languages (mikroC, mikroPascal, mikroBasic), makes NECTO Studio an outstanding development environment for rapid application development.
NOTE: Currently, we have supported mikroC and ARM STM with 850+ MCUs. A more extensive range of support for other architectures and languages is just around the corner. Plans for microPython, GCC and Clang are also in the pipeline, so stay tuned!

What's the point of an IDE if you have to do all the hard work yourself?
NECTO studio offers you several most useful integrated tools that will shorten your developing cycle and make your life easier.
- Converter
- HID Bootloader
- UART Bootloader
- HID Terminal
- UART Terminal
- UDP Terminal
- Timer calculator
- LCD custom character
Advanced Project
Start projects from scratch quickly by using predefined project templates. Organize, search, and manage your files.
Edit project empowers you to take a complete overview of the entire developing and deploying environment. Tweak your working environment to the most delicate details, including MCU configuration registers and oscillator settings, and save as profiles for later use.
Use predefined schemes of oscillator settings for most widely used MCUs, or create your own. Use quick access to your project configuration and select the desired profile, build type, and running target. Scan and connect to available boards via WIFI or USB to start debugging or program.

The evolution of coding is here with a modern editor and smart back-end code model support. Focus on your code, and let the intelligent code completion write the correct syntax for you, suggest proper names, and auto-close brackets.
A powerful code model in the background handles your coding errors as you type. It supports LSP (Language Server Protocol), it's modular and easy to extend to support any other programming language.
Immediately navigate to a symbol's declaration or context usages, search through the whole project for a symbol, type, or a file by its name. Find your way through the code base with structured and hierarchical views. When your code overgrows the size of your screen, it's always better to fold those completed blocks and work in a clearer surrounding.
Some more highlights:
- Syntax highlighting
- Automatic indentation
- Zoom in - out your code
- Multi-line edit
- Advanced comment handling
- Color scheme support, including syntax color schemes
- Dynamic word wrap
- Bookmarks for easy navigation in the text
- Marks, line numbers and folding regions display in margin
- Configurable shortcuts
- and much more
NECTO Designer - Turn your design into code
With a unique integrated NECTO Designer, you can create amazing user interfaces. Drag and drop visual elements, and the NECTO Studio will generate the code for you. Save time and focus on making your graphic design the best possible. It relies on mikroSDK 2.0 and GL (graphics library), so it is hardware independent. If you want to support your custom display, add a driver for it.
You can organize your project into several screens. Each screen can be one application or a container for one functionality of your application. Easily traverse through screens, change orientation and background colors, and organize components as you desire. Ready-made components are all it takes to create what you imagined. Tweak any component property. Use a Photoshop-like layer system and add standard events, such as OnClick, OnPress, OnDown, OnUp.
Package Manager - Integrate, create and share
Power of Libstock inside your NECTO Studio. Package Manager enables you to easily integrate libraries, board definitions, examples, and everything else available on Libstock into your projects. Find your favorite Click Board library and working example with ease. Empower the community by creating and sharing your code. Always be notified about new versions of installed packages so you can easily update them in one click.
What are the packages?
Packages are the easiest way to share your work with others. It is the collection of multiple files gathered together into a single archive file for easier portability and usage. Precompiled binaries, sources, headers, or any other files developer has chosen are included. Packages also contain metadata, such as the software's name, a description of its purpose, a version number, and a list of dependencies necessary for the software to run correctly.
WiFi and USB
in-circuit debugging
A highly effective tool for real-time debugging at the hardware level via WIFI and USB interface. Significantly reduce the effort to support a new debugger by using DAP protocol.
Real-Time debugging on the hardware level via WIFI and USB interface. Use the expression evaluator to parse any variable or other expression and evaluate the result. Support for a dynamic load of local variables in a separate view. Synergy with the CODEGRIP onboard debugger and NECTO Studio gives you native support for step-by-step, step-over, step-into, step-out, run, stop, pause, run to cursor.
NECTO studio debugger is written in high standards and supports the DAP protocol, so it's easy to extend and support any other debugger.

mikroSDK 2.0
native support
Simplifies and accelerates application development by providing an abstraction to the hardware. It is now possible to have only one source code for all MCU architectures.
- Unique SDK interface for different MCU architectures
- Abstract access to hardware functionalities
- No need to know low-level hardware details
- Easy portability/migration between different MCU architectures
- Simplified usage of microcontrollers
- Layered and modular software architecture
- Code reuse
Flexible licensing
No matter if you are a professional, maker, or student, we can offer licensing options tailored just for you.
Time trial
We understand that sometimes, one month is not enough. However, we are certain NECTO will win you over much quicker. Take advantage of the longest time trial on the market. Get fully unlocked, feature-rich NECTO for three months, and explore it to the most delicate details before you decide to buy it. No fine print, just fully unlocked NECTO and you.
Monthly subscription
Working on a tight budget? Not sure if you are ready to commit? Have time to make your embedded legacy only a few months per year? Choose a Monthly Subscription if you want maximum flexibility in upgrading and user licenses. Dive deep into Necto powered embedded world and continue where you left off in the blink of an eye.
Perpetual license
Feeling confident and excited to be part of the embedded engineer's core daily? Are you on a great path to make embedded programming your career? A Perpetual License grants you perpetual use of a specific version of our software products. A license includes a 12-month maintained period, in which you have access to updates, new versions. Come back after the expiring period, and we will offer you the 80% discount on your next renewal.

Profiles = Toolchain + Board + MCU
Tweak your toolchain and hardware settings, and save them for later use. Within one click, you can run your code in a completely different environment.
Imagine you can create one code base for different types of software toolchains, hardware boards, debuggers, and programmers and have all that in one single project. With just one click, you can switch between profiles, build and run your code in a completely different context.
Every profile consists of a set of values that defines one build environment, such as a development board, microcontroller, mikroSDK version, toolchain, and debugger settings. Once you have defined profiles, you can select them to build and run projects.
Now, you can have one source code that compiles and runs on different hardware. Choose one of the given profile templates or make your own.

Sophisticated build system
Speed up your builds with parallel jobs and build only the necessary to make most of your CPU and thus decrease the compile and linking times.
meMake is a simplified build system designed to get the most out of your CPU by parallelizing builds to multiple cores. It will take care of your builds and cache them for you, so next time it will only build changed files, significantly decreasing the time for compiling and linking. It is a necessary pre-condition for continuous integration and continuous testing.
With integrated Python preprocessor you can add conditions or user variables to your build environment, make MCU selectors, and more.
The possibilities are endless.