- Order number: MGSL-YDLIDAR-X4
- Manufacturer product ID: YDLIDAR-X4
YDLIDAR X4 LIDAR is a 360-degree two-dimensional laser range scanner (LIDAR). This product is based on the principle of triangulation distance measurement, together with the relevant optical, electrical, algorithm design, to achieve high-frequency high-precision distance measurement. After power on, YDLIDAR X4 start rotating and scanning clockwise. User can get range scan point cloud data through the communication interface (Serial port/USB).
The X4 is an inexpensive solution for projects that require obstacle detection, obstacle avoidance, and/or distance measurements. For applications that are implementing a simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) algorithm, we recommend using a YDLIDAR G4 or the any of the Hokuyo LIDARs. All YDLIDAR products are ROS ready. The ROS package source can be found below.
- 360° Scanning Range
- High accuracy, stable performance
- 10meter Range
- Strong ability to resist environmental light interference
- Thin design, long life span
- FDA Class I Laser Safety
- Configurable Motor Speed, 6Hz~12Hz
- Maximum scan sampling frequency 5Khz
- Home service /cleaning robot navigation and localization
- General robot navigation and localization
- Smart toy’s localization and obstacle avoidance
- Environment scanning and 3D re-modeling
- General simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM)