- Order number: CH-MS-SW-E-KIT
- Manufacturer product ID: MS-SW-E KIT
MySignals is a development platform for medical devices and eHealth applications. You can use MySignals to develop your eHealth web or even to add your own sensors to build new medical devices.
The MySignals SW Complete Kit includes multiple sensors which can be used to monitor many biometric parameters. All the data gathered by MySignals is encrypted and sent to the user's private account at Libelium Cloud through WiFi or Bluetooth. The data can be visualized in a tablet or smart phone with Android or iPhone Apps.
Software Solution
Libelium becomes an eHealth IoT Cloud Services provider with the release of the MySignals Cloud:
- The sensors "Detail view" enables access by day/hour/minute to the complete history of the information stored.
- Access to the Admin Dashboard to check the global Database Storage, the Traffic I/O consumption and the API Calls (for the Dev Mode).
- The raw mode allows now to record as many realtime wave signals as you can store in your account for the ECG, EMG, Snore and Airflow sensors.
Try the MySignals Cloud now!Visit my-signals.com
Cloud Plans
User/ Developer Plans!
The user plans are meant to be used to test the performance of MySignals. These are the best plans if you want to try in a quick and easy way the MySignals Kit including all the sensors on different users as each one can have its own profile. All the data is sent to the Libelium Cloud, so users do not need to set up their own servers.
The developers plans are the best option for users who want to store the data gathered by MySignals in their own servers. This type of plans allow to use the Cloud API to read the information from the Libelium Cloud and write it in their own Cloud platforms.
Application examples
Case Studies
Hardware Components
Item | Qty |
MySignals SW (eHealth Medical Development Platform) | 1 |
SPO2 Pulse Oxygen in Blood Sensor PRO | 1 |
Blood Pressure Sensor PRO | 1 |
Glucometer Sensor PRO (1) | 1 |
Item | Qty |
Body Temperature Sensor PRO | 1 |
Body Position Sensor PRO | 1 |
Power Adapter | 1 |